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learning support at glenavon

what does this look like?

Students with additional and/or diverse learning needs are identified by classroom teachers either through anecdotal observations or CDA preparation.


These students are discussed at a team and/or management level and potential programmes are identified that may be of benefit to the student. Where possible students are put into these groups as soon as the need is identified.

These groups are facilitated by our trained teacher aides, learning support coordinator, SENCO and classroom teachers.These groups take place throughout the school day.


When required, referrals are made to outside agencies such as; Ministry of Education, RTLB and SWIS for extra support for students and teachers.


we do it for our community

We strive to ensure great educational outcomes for all our students. Every student comes to us with different skills in their kete and it is our responsibility to build on these to ensure they can achieve success throughout their time in education.

what do we value?

We strive to create equitable and excellent outcomes for all students at Glenavon School. This is a place where every student has the choice and opportunity to be the best they can be.

programmes we offer


quick 60

Making Words

Youth Yoga


Lego Therapy

Steps Web

Early Words

Lego Storytales

Google Read and Write

Lego Build Me Emotions

links to the curriculum

BLSA, Quick 60, Steps Web, Google Read and Write, Early Words, Making Words, Patchplay, Lego Storytales

English; listening, reading and viewing, speaking writing and presenting

Key competencies; thinking, using language, symbols and texts


Youth Yoga, Lego Therapy, Lego Build Me Emotions, Te ara whakamana

Health and Physical Education; Personal health and physical development, Relationships with other people, Healthy communities and environments

Key competencies; thinking, relating to others, participating and contributing


for teachers...

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