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In our Intermediate team, our goal is to prepare our students for High School as best as we possibly can. Focusing on skills such as time management, independence, initiative, self responsibility and agency - we strive to create a balanced, driven team of students.

what do we offer?
trips & camps
students have their own chromebooK
Prefect & house captain leadership roles 
Year 8 challenges throughout the year
engaging and differentiated learning tasks
we use google classrooms -  students to manage themselves and can access tasks independently
teachers conference with students  regularly throughout the day 
access to extra-curricular opportunities such as Glen's Cafe, Glen's Gospel, Glen's Garden & Glen's podcast - and more are added all the time!
year 8 adventure camp at finlay park
sports camp 
regular sporting trips
transition to high school
Our final transition is to high school. After year 8 our students will move on to start the next chapter of their learning journey. We ensure we have strong partnerships with our local high schools. Transition meetings take place between schools and learning information is passed on to ensure students' needs and interests are shared. Glenavon School also supports families to enroll into local high schools.
Sports Camp 2022  (FULL LENGTH)
Blake Camp 2022
Year 8 Camp 2022
Year 8 Leavers Video 2022

for teachers...

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